Image processing functions in Image Analyst MKII
Image Analyst MKIIFunctions Glossary
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2D DFT Filter
2D DFT Filter Butterworth BP
2D DFT Filter Butterworth BP Tiled
2D Kernel Convolution
2D Median
2D Morphological Operator
2D Nonlinear Filter
2D Savitzky-Golay filter
Absolute Value
Affine Transformation
AI Create Training Set
Align Channels
Align Series (Image Stabilizer)
Align Tiled Channels
Align Tiled Series (Image Stabilizer)
Anisotropic Diffusion Filter
Attach Intensity Gating Image
Attach Overlay Image
Automatic ROI drawing
Band Pass filter Optimization
Blind Spectral Unmix with NMF
Brightfield Color Deconvolution with PCA
Calculate Simple Crossbleed
Calculate Spatial Moments
Calibration Wizard Parameters
Clear Segmentation Classifiers (Gating)
Copy ROIs from Other Image
Correct Intensity Jump
Correct Lens Distortion
Count Division and Cell Death
Count Object Colocalization
Create ROI
Create ROI Grid
Create ROIs from Segments
Create Segments from ROIs
Crop Image in Place
Crop Image to Segments
Cross-correlation data
Cross-correlation image
Detect Nuclei Convolution
Differential Evolution Optimizer
Distance from Segments
Draw Model Mitochondrion
Draw Random Position Model Mitochondria
Erase All ROIs
Excel Window Command
Fill Mask
Fill or Mask Active ROI
Find ROIs and Annotations
Fix Vignetting
FLIPR Calibration with [K+]ec steps and known [K+]ic and known kP
FLIPR Complete Calibration
FLIPR Complete Calibration with known kP
FLIPR Complete Calibration with known kP - Goldman
FLIPR Complete Calibration with known kP - Goldman with Neural Network
FLIPR Complete Iterative Calibration
FLIPR Estimate PN
FLIPR Short Calibration based on known potential during MDC and CDC
FLIPR Short Calibration between known baseline and CDC
FLIPR Short Calibration between known baseline and MDC
FLIPR Short Calibration between known baseline and separately measured fP0
FLIPR Short Calibration from Zero with fx=0
Get Image Information
Get Linked Channel
If Greater Than Zero
Image Arithmetic (image-image math)
Image Arithmetic In Place
Image Arithmetic Single Frame
Inpaint Mask
Ion Concentration Calibration Constants
Ion Concentration Calibration Error Propagation
Ion Concentration Calibration Overrides
Ion Concentration Calibration Wizard Parameters
Lens Correction Optimization
Load and Run Pipeline
Load ROIs
Mask Borders
Mask Frames by Plot Values
Mask Images
Measure Object Intensity
Measure Object Morphology
Mirror or Rotate
Mirror or Rotate in Place (clipping)
Model Out of Focus Blur
Multi-Dimensional Open Information
Multi-Dimensional Open Position
Multi-Dimensional Reload Channel
New Image
New Time Scale
Onset Image
Open File
Optical Flow
Peak Bioenergetic Power Analysis
Pipeline Optimization
Pipeline Optimization Parameter
Plot Correlation (Colocalization)
Plot Intensities Corresponding to Segments
Plot Morphological Parameters of Segments
Plot Ratio
Plot ROI Dimensions
Plot Spectral Parameter with PCA
Plot Spectrum (Periodogram)
Plot Tracking Parameters
Potential calibration constants
Potential calibration error propagation
Potential calibration expert overrides
Projection of Vectors from a Point
Ratiometric Ion Concentration with Grynkiewicz Equation - Complete Internal
Ratiometric ROI Classifiers (Gating)
ReCount Division and Cell Death
Reevaluate Segments (Apply Gate)
Remove Blank or Unsharp Frames
Replace or Modify ROIs
Resample Image
Resize Image
Revvity Harmony Options
ROI Classifiers (Gating)
Run Membrane Potential Calibration
Save ROIs
Scalar Arithmetic (image-value math)
Scalar Arithmetic Multi
Secondary Watershed Segmentation
Select by Number
Sensor Noise Characteristics
Set Reference Image
Set ROI Annotation
Set Scaling/LUT
Set Segmentation Classifiers (Gating)
Set Segmentation Intensity Classifiers (Gating)
Shift Time Scale
Simple 2D Cross-correlation
Simple Segmentation
Spectral Unmix
Stitch Series
Strip to Well Cell Count
Substitute Poisson Noise
Subtract Background or Normalize
T or Z-project
Template Matching
Temporal Average Filter
Temporal Block Filter
Temporal Median Filter
Temporal Rolling Projection
Temporal Savitzky-Golay Filter
Thinness Ratio Optimization
Time Stamp and Scale Bar
TMRM Complete Calibration
TMRM Complete Calibration with known kT
TMRM Complete Calibration with known kT and K-steps
TMRM Short Calibration between known baseline and MDC or CDC
Track Objects
Truncate or Cut
Wait for All Inputs
Watershed Segmentation
Wiener filter
Window Menu Command
Write Back Scaled Values

Run EXE ( IARunEXE )

Name Short Name Type Description
Path and filename (*.exe,*.bat,"command && command") filename string filename, without arguments. Filename with full path, or filename only if it is in the environment path. Alternatively, use one or more command prompt expressions with arguments concatenated by && and the whole expression quoted with ".
Arguments arguments string List of arguments divded by spaces, this will appear after the filename. Images will be transferred as input#_frame#.extension saved in a %temp% folder automatically opened for this run within the export path. Parameter for each argument will be shown named below after switching to a different function and then back to Run EXE.
Image transfer format format string Available formats: "AVI", "MOV", "MP4", "JPG", "TIF"... Use padded versions for image series.
Way of exporting images way string Available formats: ...
Export input name(es) or suffix(es) exportsuffix string Channel number will be replaced with name or suffix will be appended after the frame number, before the extension, depending on the "Way" setings. Use a comma-separated list for a unique suffix for each input.
Result file(s) results string List result file name(s) divided by spaces. If left empty all new image files will be imported in from the %temp% folder.
Result file format resultformat string Available formats are in the Open Dialog.
Use temporary folder usetemp boolean A temporary folder will be created within the Image Export Folder. If set to No, the %temp% variable will be the Image Export Folder or the custom temp folder defined below, and no unique folder is created for each run.
Custom (temp) folder customtemp string Specify custom temp folder name relative to the image export folder. The folder will be created if does not exist. Leave this empty to automatically generate a new temp folder for each run. If the "Use temporary folder" is set to no above, this this full path will be used to export images and run the external program, instead of the image export folder.
Delete temporary folder after run deletetemp boolean Only newly created temp folders will be deleted.
Force closing console by keypress forceclose boolean Use this option if the console window does not close automatically. Image Analyst will wait for the console window to close.
Do not wait for results nowait boolean Pipeline operation will proceed once the external process is launched, without expecting any result images. The input, if present will be passed to the output.
Loop for each frame loopframes boolean The execution will be repeated in the same temp folder for each frame. Use %framenumber% or %prevframenumber% in parametering to access each frame.
Number of parallel processes parallel integer Image series and time courses will be split into multiple parts and separate instances of the external program is launched.
Run as Administrator runas boolean The external program will be run as Administrator after elevation prompt without image export and import. Use full path, the program is lauched from the user home folder.
Argument 1 args1 string Argument entries will be interspersed with the "Argument" entry
Argument 2 args2 string Argument entries will be interspersed with the "Argument" entry
Argument 3 args3 string Argument entries will be interspersed with the "Argument" entry
Argument 4 args4 string Argument entries will be interspersed with the "Argument" entry
Argument 5 args5 string Argument entries will be interspersed with the "Argument" entry
Argument 6 args6 string Argument entries will be interspersed with the "Argument" entry
Argument 7 args7 string Argument entries will be interspersed with the "Argument" entry
Argument 8 args8 string Argument entries will be interspersed with the "Argument" entry
Argument 9 args9 string Argument entries will be interspersed with the "Argument" entry
Argument 10 args10 string Argument entries will be interspersed with the "Argument" entry
Runs external program. Input images are exported into a newly created or specified %temp% folder. The program with the given arguments is executed in the %temp% folder. Finally, the images listed in "Result file(s)" are imported. The output of this function is the first result image, and these images are linked to the original images, if x,y,frames dimensions are matching. The channel numbers of the imported result images will start at 101 and be sequentially numbered.

"Use temporary folder": When set to Yes, a unique folder is created for each execution witin the Image Export Folder or in the "Custom (temp) folder", and the %temp% variable will show the full path to this new folder.
This newly created folder is optionally deleted after data has been retrieved. When set to No, the image export and external program runnning is performed in the Image Export Folder, or in the "Custom (temp) folder", if any given, using a full path. The %temp% variable will reflect the Image Export Folder or the Custom temp folder, respectively.

Temporary filenames: Images are exported into the temporary folder before command execution. Two naming schemes are provided - "input#_frame#.ext" and "img_frame#suffix.ext" - where input# is replaced with input image number, and frame# is replaced with frame number. #suffix is replaced with _frame number if no suffixes are given, or with the suffix for each channel that is provided in the "Export input name(es) or suffix(es)" parameter. The ".ext" extension is based on the "Image transfer format" parameter. Each naming scheme can be used with grayscale, RGB or RAW exporting (with constraints of the file type must be considered by the user). Use RGB export for ovrlaid and pseudocolor images.
Filename examples for a single input image export of 3 frames:

1_1.tif; 1_2.tif; 1_3.tif for "input#_frame#.ext"
img_1_1.tif; img_2_1.tif; img_3_1.tif for "img_frame#suffix.ext" when no suffixes are specified.

Arguments: provide a list of arguments to be passed to the executable in the "Arguments" field, separated by spaces. When using multiple CMD window commands in "" and separated by && the arguments will be inserted before the trailing " mark (with a preceding space added).
Argument 1..10: optionally, if these fields are set, these values will follow the corresponding argument from the "Arguments" field. In addition, %arg2%..%arg10% or $arg2$..$arg10$ in these fields will be replaced with the corresponding argument value below, without adding extra spaces. These allow using Argument 1..10 as pipeline parameters. %arg2%..%arg10% cannot have a : separated tag before the clsing % or $.
In looped operation ("Loop for each frame") the external program is executed for each frame, retrieving the result each time. To pass arguments with incrementing frame numbers use %framenumber% is 1 for the first frame. %prevframenumber% is 1 for the first 2 frames, then one less than the %framenumber%. Use %framenumber:3% for 0-padded numbering. During looped operation different arguments may be sent to the external program in each loop. For this provide a list of arguments separated by | . Elements of this list will be used for the corresponding frame. If the list is shorter than the number of frames, the last element of this list is used for any further frames. E.g. Using a list of two arguments allows using one argument for the first frame, and then a different one for any further frames.

Run as Administrator: the external program will be run as Administrator after elevation prompt without image export and import. Use full path in arguments, the program is lauched from the user home folder. Use this option for launching install scripts.
Command windows: hide command windows in the Preferences Misc tab. Override hiding command windows (e.g. for data processing scripts) in the Pipeline Window Options.
Using Run EXE with pipeline parameters: To use user-selectable file or folder names as argument through pipeline parameters select the type of file or folder dialog using the [...] button of the pipeline parameter name.

Arguments:-first -second -third
Argument 1: 10
Argument 2: 20
Argument 3: 30
will result in: program.exe -first 10 -second 20 -third 30

Argument 1: Function[$arg2$]
Argument 2: 10
will result in: program.exe -first Function[10]

Argument 1: \folder\with space\ will result in "\\folder\\with space\\"
Argument 1: =%temp% will result in the path where the images are exported for the external function. Use = mark to trigger expression evaluation.
Inputless operation: this function will run without an input, so a pipeline with inputless Run EXE function does not require an image window present to run.
Note: the %temp% variable cannot be used in the "Path and filename" and in the "Custom temp folder" fields.

Multiple ways of calling python scripts through command line execution:Use the %PythonFolder% variable (start value with = to trigger expression evaluation). Examples using Anaconda:
=""%PythonFolder%Scripts\activate.bat" myenvironment && python -m module" (Suggested way of launching module in myenvironment. Replace myenvironment and module. Note that most pipelines have "-m moudule" as argument parameters.)
=""%PythonFolder%Scripts\activate.bat" myenvironment && "%PythonFolder%\envs\myenvironment\python.exe -m module"" (this allows checking if the module is installed)
=%PythonFolder%envs\myenvironment\python.exe -m module (note: myenvironment is not activated, some features may not work)
=%PythonFolder%envs\myenvironment\scripts\module.exe (note: myenvironment is not activated, some features may not work)
Examples using venv:
=""%PythonFolder%myvenv\Scripts\activate" && python -m module" (Suggested way of launching module in myenv using venv. Replace myvenv and module. Note that most pipelines have "-m moudule" as argument parameters.)
Default Cellpose integration using venv:
=""%ProgramDataFolder%cellpose\scripts\activate" && "python.exe""