Name |
Short Name |
Type |
Description |
Method |
method |
string |
Which algorithm to use. |
Staining |
staining |
string |
Type of staining, and whether OD and RGB coefficients are calculated and stored or used for normalization or concentration to color conversion. |
Multi frame operation for PCA |
operation |
string |
Which frame is the source of color deconvolution coefficient calculation. |
Reference OD matrix |
ODmatrix |
string |
Maximal OD values for hematoxylin and eosin, written as ={{ODhematoxylin,ODeosin}}, or use a built-in kernel name. |
Reference RGB matrix |
RGBmatrix |
string |
R, G, B coefficients to convert hematoxylin and eosin concentrations to colors, written as ={{R,G,B},{R,G,B}}, where the first set is for hematoxylin and the second is for eosin. |
Minimum OD for PCA |
minOD |
real |
The color deconvolution coefficient will be calculated only over pixels darker than this OD value (for any channels). |
Maximum OD for PCA |
maxOD |
real |
The color deconvolution coefficient will be calculated only over pixels lighter than this OD value (for all channels). |
Two passes PCA |
secondpass |
boolean |
A second pass of PCA is performed to prevent using pixels for stain vector determination that return negative concentrations after unmixing. |
Automatic white level |
autowhitelevel |
boolean |
White level is calculated from the image for each channel. Use this if large background area is visible around the tissue. |
White level |
whitelevel |
real |
This value will be uniformly used as white level in each channel if the "Automatic white level" is off, and this value will be used as the white level of the resulting normalized, white balanced or converted color images. |
Automatic mask level |
automasklevel |
boolean |
Mask level is calculated from the image for each channel. Automatic masking will detect black (zero pixels values) or white regions at the edge of the image. |
Mask level |
masklevel |
real |
If no automatic masking is used, these values mark empty areas of the image. Set -1 to disable. |
Fill mask with white |
fillmask |
boolean |
Empty areas will be filled with background white. |
Projection sensitivity for 2-stains (percentile) |
projectionsensitivity |
real |
This percentile and 100- this percentile will be used to determine the two major components of the stain. |
Max concentration and color clipping percentile |
cliplevel |
real |
Values smaller than this percentile or larger than 100- this percentile will be cilpped or saturated in the results, using the minimum and maximum image scaling values. |
Clip results to original scaling |
clipresults |
boolean |
Using the above percentiles, pixels dimmer or brighter than the scaling boundaries will be clipped in the resultant raw data. |
Scale OD images identically |
scaleODidentical |
boolean |
OD images will use fixed scaling to the maximal and minimal percentiles within all 3 channels. If No, each channels are independently scaled. This does not affect image data. |
Stain vector file (*.bin, 32-bit floating point values) |
filename |
string |
Stain vector file for "Multi frame operation"="Use random stain vectors for each frame". This is a binary file of 32-bit floating point values dumped. For H&E 6 values R,R,G,G,B,B represent the two stains. Each repeat of these 6 values is a different staining color, that will be randomly chosen. |