Name |
Short Name |
Type |
Description |
T (temperature in C) |
T |
real |
Temperature |
zP (apparent charge of FLIPR) |
zp |
real |
Apparent charge of FLIPR measured by electrophysiology (negative) |
zT (apparent charge of TMRM) |
zT |
real |
Apparent charge of TMRM at the plasma membrane measured by electrophysiology (positive) |
zTM (apparent charge of TMRM) |
zTM |
real |
Apparent charge of TMRM at the mitochondrial inner membrane measured by electrophysiology (positive) |
sT (asymmetry of plasma membrane for TMRM) |
sT |
real |
The position of the energy barrier in the membrane has a value between 0 (outside) and 1 (inside) |
Differentiation kernel width |
kernelwidth |
integer |
Width of smoothing and differentiation Savitzky-Golay kernels. Larger width allows more smoothing but also more smearing of transients. |
Differentiation kernel order for FLIPR |
kernelorderPMPI |
integer |
Order of smoothing and differentiation Savitzky-Golay kernels. Smaller order allows more smoothing but also more smearing of transients. |
Differentiation kernel order for TMRM |
kernelorderTMRM |
integer |
Order of smoothing and differentiation Savitzky-Golay kernels. Smaller order allows more smoothing but also more smearing of transients. |
Protect gaps in time from kernel overhangs |
protectoverhangs |
boolean |
Whether to mask parts of the trace where results are inaccurate because of temporal gaps in the recording. |
Apply point-by-point range criteria |
criteria |
boolean |
Whether to apply trace and data point selection criteria defined below and in the calibration functions. |
Valid ΔψP Range (mV) |
PMPRange |
string |
Data point filtering criterion: the minimum and maximum allowed value of the ΔψP in mV |
Valid ΔψM Range (mV) |
MMPRange |
string |
Data point filtering criterion: the minimum and maximum allowed value of the ΔψM in mV |
Do not assume equilibrium baseline |
noequilinrium |
boolean |
If set yes, the temporal derivative of the baseline is also included into the baseline potential calculation allowing to use unsteady baselines, however decreasing the SNR of baseline potentials. This works only if the baseline recording is at least kernel width long. |
Median filter for baseline, ft0 and fp0 |
medianfilter |
boolean |
If set yes, fluorescence traces are median filtered with a window of "Differentiation kernel width" before calculation of baseline, fp0 and ft0. Data used for potential data points are not affected.
The protect gaps option must be used to prevent smearing K-steps. In kernel overhangs data remains non-filtered. |
Eliminate residual crossbleed |
eliminatecrossbleed |
boolean |
Calculates and subtracts residual FLIPR to TMRM crosbbled by minimizing the variance of the CDC phase (from beginning of part CDC range to end of CDC range). |
Residual crossbleed search range |
CrossbleedRange |
string |
Residual FLIPR to TMRM crossbleed is searched by numeric optimization in this range. |
Handling logarithm of negative values |
loghandling |
string |
Negative values may occurr in within the log of potential calculation at very high or very low potentials due to noise. To prevent clipping, absolute value calculation is used instead of removing these data points. |
Remove traces with multiple bad points before calibration |
removebadtraces |
boolean |
Traces with three consecutive datapoints rejected by range or neagtive within log criteria are completely rejected by QC. |
Viewfield level QC |
ViewFieldQC |
boolean |
Turns on or off following quality control criteria that allow removing all traces. |
Limit minimal % of traces passing ΔψM QC |
LimitMMPQCpercent |
real |
Zero or 100 turns the feature off. If the % (of total) is less than the limit, all traces are removed. |
Limit minimal number of traces passing ΔψM QC |
LimitMMPQCnumber |
integer |
Zero turns the feature off. If the number of calibrated traces is less than the limit, all traces are removed. |
Range markers for means |
ranges |
string |
If left empty, all time points are shown, or give ranges to calculate means e.g. 1-3;7-9. Use "All" to select all time points. Try also copy/paste marks in the plot window context menu. |
Weigh range means with 1/error |
smartavg |
boolean |
When range marker means calculated a weighed average will be used, using 1/SEM as a weight for each time point. |
QC traces with expression |
traceQC |
string |
A math expression to pass or reject traces based on ΔψM mV values. Traces evaluating non-zero will pass. Use variables: baseline, a, b, c, d, ... the latter for range means. E.g. "(baseline<-20) and (b>a)" |