ROI Classifiers (Gating) ( IAROIClassifiers )
Name |
Short Name |
Type |
Description |
Frame Range |
FrameRange |
string |
Range defining which frames to calculate ROI values. Frame number or from-to, or "All". |
Limit Type |
type |
string |
Set up criteria for minimal or maximal values. ROIs with a given non-zero parameter (below) below "Min" or above "Max" will be deleted. |
Normalization |
normalization |
string |
If other than "None", classifiers are applied on normalized data. |
Mean |
mean |
real |
Mean of ROI values if multiple frames are looked, or the value of ROI in the given frame. Use 0 for not checking |
Max |
max |
real |
Max of ROI values for frames if multiple frames are looked. Use 0 for not checking |
Min |
min |
real |
Min of ROI values for frames if multiple frames are looked. Use 0 for not checking |
Sum |
sum |
real |
Sum of ROI values for frames if multiple frames are looked. Use 0 for not checking |
Variance |
variance |
real |
Variance of ROI values for frames if multiple frames are looked. Use 0 for not checking |
PDI Variance |
varianceOverMean |
real |
Variance over Mean of ROI valuea for frames if multiple frames are looked. Use 0 for not checking |
SDOverMean |
real |
SD over Mean of ROI values for frames if multiple frames are looked. Use 0 for not checking |
Annnotations list |
annotationslist |
string |
Enter a list of ROI annotations to keep or discard based on the "Limit type", separated by commmas. |
Classifier or gating for ROIs. Deletes ROIs which do not satisfy the given limits, looking frames in the "Frame Range" or the whole time lapse.
Limit type: Max: ROIs with Mean, Max, Min, Sum, etc... values larger than this set value are deleted (ones with equal value are kept).
Limit type: Min: ROIs with Mean, Max, Min, Sum, etc... values smaller than this set value are deleted (ones with equal value are kept).
Zero value disables the checking of the given parameter. If normalization is enabled, then limits must be given in normalized values. Baseline and endpoint normalization uses the mean of the first or last n frames, and n is set in the Preferences dialog, Misc tab.
Classifiers calculate Mean, Max, Min, Sum, etc... of ROI averages for frames in the range provided in the "Frame Range" or for all time points. Thus, the Variance is the variance observed in between time points of ROI values calculated by averaging pixels values in each time point.
Percentile of ROIs: The percentile of each ROI regarding to all ROIs in each of the frames in the frame range is calculated, using mean, max, min, etc... of percentile values for the frames in the frame range. Thus, with Mean=50 settings, depending on the limit type the brightest or dimmest half of the ROIs will be kept.
Keeping or discarding ROIs based on annotations: Set Limit type to "Keep Annotations","Discard Annotations", and enter annotations to keep or discard as a comma separated list (case insensitive) at "Annnotations list".In the annotations gating mode, normalization, frame range and numeric values are ignored.
Mathematica usage:
No results for this function