Image processing functions in Image Analyst MKII
Image Analyst MKIIFunctions Glossary
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2D DFT Filter
2D DFT Filter Butterworth BP
2D DFT Filter Butterworth BP Tiled
2D Kernel Convolution
2D Median
2D Morphological Operator
2D Nonlinear Filter
2D Savitzky-Golay filter
Absolute Value
Affine Transformation
AI Create Training Set
Align Channels
Align Series (Image Stabilizer)
Align Tiled Channels
Align Tiled Series (Image Stabilizer)
Anisotropic Diffusion Filter
Attach Intensity Gating Image
Attach Overlay Image
Automatic ROI drawing
Band Pass filter Optimization
Blind Spectral Unmix with NMF
Brightfield Color Deconvolution with PCA
Calculate Simple Crossbleed
Calculate Spatial Moments
Calibration Wizard Parameters
Clear Segmentation Classifiers (Gating)
Copy ROIs from Other Image
Correct Intensity Jump
Correct Lens Distortion
Count Division and Cell Death
Count Object Colocalization
Create ROI
Create ROI Grid
Create ROIs from Segments
Create Segments from ROIs
Crop Image in Place
Crop Image to Segments
Cross-correlation data
Cross-correlation image
Detect Nuclei Convolution
Differential Evolution Optimizer
Distance from Segments
Draw Model Mitochondrion
Draw Random Position Model Mitochondria
Erase All ROIs
Excel Window Command
Fill Mask
Fill or Mask Active ROI
Find ROIs and Annotations
Fix Vignetting
FLIPR Calibration with [K+]ec steps and known [K+]ic and known kP
FLIPR Complete Calibration
FLIPR Complete Calibration with known kP
FLIPR Complete Calibration with known kP - Goldman
FLIPR Complete Calibration with known kP - Goldman with Neural Network
FLIPR Complete Iterative Calibration
FLIPR Estimate PN
FLIPR Short Calibration based on known potential during MDC and CDC
FLIPR Short Calibration between known baseline and CDC
FLIPR Short Calibration between known baseline and MDC
FLIPR Short Calibration between known baseline and separately measured fP0
FLIPR Short Calibration from Zero with fx=0
Get Image Information
Get Linked Channel
If Greater Than Zero
Image Arithmetic (image-image math)
Image Arithmetic In Place
Image Arithmetic Single Frame
Inpaint Mask
Ion Concentration Calibration Constants
Ion Concentration Calibration Error Propagation
Ion Concentration Calibration Overrides
Ion Concentration Calibration Wizard Parameters
Lens Correction Optimization
Load and Run Pipeline
Load ROIs
Mask Borders
Mask Frames by Plot Values
Mask Images
Measure Object Intensity
Measure Object Morphology
Mirror or Rotate
Mirror or Rotate in Place (clipping)
Model Out of Focus Blur
Multi-Dimensional Open Information
Multi-Dimensional Open Position
Multi-Dimensional Reload Channel
New Image
New Time Scale
Onset Image
Open File
Optical Flow
Peak Bioenergetic Power Analysis
Pipeline Optimization
Pipeline Optimization Parameter
Plot Correlation (Colocalization)
Plot Intensities Corresponding to Segments
Plot Morphological Parameters of Segments
Plot Ratio
Plot ROI Dimensions
Plot Spectral Parameter with PCA
Plot Spectrum (Periodogram)
Plot Tracking Parameters
Potential calibration constants
Potential calibration error propagation
Potential calibration expert overrides
Projection of Vectors from a Point
Ratiometric Ion Concentration with Grynkiewicz Equation - Complete Internal
Ratiometric ROI Classifiers (Gating)
ReCount Division and Cell Death
Reevaluate Segments (Apply Gate)
Remove Blank or Unsharp Frames
Replace or Modify ROIs
Resample Image
Resize Image
Revvity Harmony Options
ROI Classifiers (Gating)
Run Membrane Potential Calibration
Save ROIs
Scalar Arithmetic (image-value math)
Scalar Arithmetic Multi
Secondary Watershed Segmentation
Select by Number
Sensor Noise Characteristics
Set Reference Image
Set ROI Annotation
Set Scaling/LUT
Set Segmentation Classifiers (Gating)
Set Segmentation Intensity Classifiers (Gating)
Shift Time Scale
Simple 2D Cross-correlation
Simple Segmentation
Spectral Unmix
Stitch Series
Strip to Well Cell Count
Substitute Poisson Noise
Subtract Background or Normalize
T or Z-project
Template Matching
Temporal Average Filter
Temporal Block Filter
Temporal Median Filter
Temporal Rolling Projection
Temporal Savitzky-Golay Filter
Thinness Ratio Optimization
Time Stamp and Scale Bar
TMRM Complete Calibration
TMRM Complete Calibration with known kT
TMRM Complete Calibration with known kT and K-steps
TMRM Short Calibration between known baseline and MDC or CDC
Track Objects
Truncate or Cut
Wait for All Inputs
Watershed Segmentation
Wiener filter
Window Menu Command
Write Back Scaled Values

Plot Tracking Parameters ( IAPlotTracking )

Name Short Name Type Description
Tracking parameter parameter string Plots and saves time course of selected tracking data
Cutoff cutoff real Discards values larger than cutoff. Dislocation and Velocity: calibrated value if enabled. Division: a segment cannot divide twice within this timeframe in seconds. Duty cycle: the Cutoff value distinguishes between ON and OFF states.
Use cutoff usecutoff boolean Discards movements that are greater than the "Cutoff" value (in units of the measured quantity).
Calibrated allMean boolean Calibrates data to um or um/s based on the calibration information stored in the image.
Parameter 1 parameter1 real For division counting, this parameter sets the minimum number of frames where a doublet must be visible after division
Parameter 2 parameter2 real For division counting, this parameter sets the minimum number of frames where a doublet must be visible after division
Annotate Image annotate boolean Adds annotation to the tracked image.
Constrain to ROIs constrainActiveROI boolean Calculates only segments overlapping (any small intersection) with the ROI in the segmented image.
Drift correction driftcorrection boolean Subtracts the vectorial sum of dislocations or velocities.
Drift corretion ROI driftcorrectionROI integer If both "Constrain to ROIs" and "Drift correction" are enabled, set 0 here to calculate drift from the whole frame, or -1 for using the same ROI as for readout for each ROI, or a ROI number to calculate drift from segments contained by that ROI.
Window width for average path averagePathWindowWidth integer To obtain average path velocity and acceleration, the average path is calculated by looking at this number of frames at each time point.
ΔF/F0 dfperf boolean Calculates ΔF/F0 normalization of the trace
Resample resample boolean Resamples the trace by the time interval given in Preferences.
Plot type (statistics to plot) type string Available plot types: "Mean", "Each", "Sum", "Variance", "Variance/Mean", "SD/Mean". These statistics represent the population of segments in the image or bounded by constraining ROIs.
Mean of all traces allMean boolean Calculates a mean value of all traces for each time point.
Median of all traces allMedian boolean Calculates a median value of all traces for each time point. If "Yes" then mean calculation is disabled.
Time course normalization advnorm string This option supersedes ΔF/F0 normalization.
Histogram and counts histogram string Histogram, precents normalized histogram or counts will be graphed. This option supersedes other normalization, mean and median calculations. See histogram parameters below. Provide threshold or percentile vaule at "range or threshold" below.
Save name savename string
Save save boolean
Confirm saving saveconfirm boolean Overwrites automatically if No, pops up dialog if Yes.
Range markers for means or rates ranges string If left empty, all time points are shown, or give ranges to calculate means e.g. 1-3;7-9. Use "All" to select all time points. Try also copy/paste marks in the plot window context menu.
Calculate rates at markers rates boolean Plots slopes of traces for each range, calculated before or after normalization, as set in "Normalization". This is performed before mean of all traces calculation, if selected.
Normalize rates ratesnorm boolean Normalization is performed after rate calculation if Yes, or before rate calculation if No.
Y-values only (no time column) yonly boolean Copies y-data only to data table
Place channels into columns mdoutput boolean Organizes data in table according to multi-dimensional open parameters. See the range setting below to optionally select the range of channel numbers to appear in the output worksheet. The plot algorithm does not know what channels were previously exported, but the column position of the output is determined either relatively to currently present channel numbers in linked images, or to the range set below.
Range of channel numbers to lay out channelrange string This will set up the header of the output, when channels are laid out as columns. Set All to use all channels present in images linked to the one that is processed first. If plotting data from unlinked images, provide a range of channel numbers here, e.g. 1-3.
Plate worksheet output plateoutput boolean Organizes data in table according to microplate well associations in additional worksheets.
Place positions into columns stagetocolumn boolean Data from multiple stage positions will appear in new columns instead of being appended below the existing data. This option requires the MD output to be turned on.
Expect only a single channel singlechannel boolean Discards channel information and a single channel is recorded. Use this to suppress empty columns in output.
New plot always entered in a new row forcenewrow boolean When "Place channels into columns" is set to yes repeated plotting in a Multi-dimensional open position will enter data in the same row to make data from different channels appear next to each other. Set this to yes to override this behavior and force each plot command to create a new row in the Excel Data Window.
Histogram: number of bins histogrambins integer When the output is histogram, the histogram is calculated using this number of equal sized bins, where the lowest bin starts at the smallest data point and the highest bin ends at the largest data point. If explicit range definition is used below, the bins will bound the given range. Use zero bin size for automatic binning.
Histogram: range or threshold histogramrange string If left empty or set to "All", a histogram is generated where the lowest bin starts at the smallest data point and the highest bin ends at the largest data point. If a range is given here e.g. 100-500, then the lowest bin starts at the beginning of the range and the highest bin ends at the end of the range. Use a single value here for counting above/below threshold or calculating value at percentile given here. For percentile calculation all data is used.
Plots and saves time course or values of the selected tracking parameter. The image series must be first segmented, then tracked to calculate these parameters.
When constrained to ROIs, for each ROI only those segments are calculated which have their center point within the ROI. Parameters of the whole segments are counted, even if the segment is partially outside of the ROI.
To enable quality controlling tracking errors, a velocity or dislocation cutoff may be used. If cut off is used, values larger than the cut off will be discarded as missing or MASKed data point, not counted into means.The unit of cutoff is either dislocation/frame or velocity (dislocation/second). Calibration by setting the "Calibrtated" option to yes, uses the image resolution embedded into the opened image recording or set in the Image Properties window. Non-calibrated velocities are shown in pixels and pixels/s. Calibrated values are shown in um and um/s.
Tracking Parameters:

"dislocation": Time course of frame to frame movement of objects. The cutoff is defined as distance / frame.

"velocity": Time course of frame to frame velocities of objects (dislocation divided by frame interval). The cutoff is defined as velocity in the same units.

"average path velocity": Time course of time-averaged velocities of objects (dislocation divided by frame interval). A Savitzky-Golai weighed running average with a time window given by "Window width for average path" in frames is used for averaging. The cutoff is defined as velocity in the same units.

"average path acceleration": Same as "average path velocity", but acceleration is calculated. This value is higher for unsteady or zigzaggy motion. The unit of cutoff is acceleration.

"curvilinear velocity": Mean velocity for the entire track, calculated frame-by-frame and then averaged. The cutoff is defined as velocity in the same units.

"straight-line velocity": Mean velocity for the entire track, calculated between the start and end point of the track, or until a velocity cutoff is encountered. The cutoff is defined as velocity in the same units.

"mean average path velocity": Mean velocity for the entire track, calculated by temporal averaging as for "average path velocity". The cutoff is defined as velocity in the same units.

"mean-square displacement" : Square of the straight line displacement an object during a time period indicated on the x-axis of the graph. Time periods with the indicated length are averaged using all possible starting an ending points within the time course. The average for all objects is given. Important: this assumes even acquisition intervals. The cutoff is distance/frame.

"diffusion coefficient": Diffusion coefficient calculated from the slope of the "mean-square displacement", representing all objects in the time course. The cutoff is distance/frame. The unit of the diffusion coefficient is pixel^2/s or um2/s, if the "Calibrtated" option is set to yes.

"track length": The total distance that an object travels. The cutoff is distance/frame and if dislocations greater than the cutoff encountered, the track is truncated at that point.

"duty cycle": Fraction of frames where the object moves faster than the velocity provided in "Parameter 1". The cutoff is distance/s.

"linearity": A fraction, being 1 for linear or completely straight motion, less for other, e.g. curved or zigzaggy, zero if the track ends in the starting point, i.e. is a loop. Calculated as "straight-line velocity"/The cutoff is distance/s.

"straightness": A fraction describing how straight or linear is the overall motion not counting local excursion`s (or wobble) around the average path. The value is 1 for linear motion and less for curved trajectories. Calculated as "straight-line velocity"/"mean average path velocity". The average path velocity is calculated by temporal averaging and "Window width for average path" frames are used for averaging. The current implementation overestimates irregular motion when large changes in velocity resulting greater than 1 values.

"wobble": A fraction describing excursions from (or wobbling around) the average path. Calculated as 1-"mean average path velocity"/"curvilinear velocity". A value of 0 indicates smooth motion and greater values indicate more wobbly motion.

"tracks (time course)": (t,x,y) coordinates of tracks. To export tracks to Excel the "Show, copy and save errors of mean" in the Preferences dialog Misc tab must be check marked. y-coordinates are exported in the SEM columns.

"tracks (xy)": (x,y) coordinates of tracks as scatter plot. Not that the y-axis of the plot is flipped compared to the image.

"tracks (xy, relative)": (x,y) coordinates of tracks as scatter plot. All tracks start at the origin.

Cell division and death parameters:

"Multiplets": numbers of cells for each tracked progeny. The "Group recursion" must be >1 in the Track Objects function to detect multiplets.

"Divisions": split (+1) and join (-1) events for each track.

"Total divisions": total number of divisions for the whole time course. Detection of divisions is blocked for each track for "Cutoff" seconds after each event. Optionally a division event must be followed by the presence of a doublet (multiplet) in the track at least "Parameter 1" frames. The "Group recursion" must be >1 in the Track Objects function to detect multiplets. The time axis value is the total time that is available for observation of divisions (depending the on the length of the observation window set by parameter 1 and 2, a sum for all cells) in seconds. If cell death has been previously labeled using the "Count Division and Cell Death" function, than dead cells are omitted from this count.

"Doubling time (hours)": the total time that is available for observation divided by the above defined division count.

"Cell death rate: fraction of cells dies in an hour."

Saving overwrites existing file if "Confirm saving" is set to No.
Automatic file naming convention:
To automatically generate file names use the following example:
Use any string after = and include any of the variables below between % marks; :n pads to n digits
%BACK% or %BACK:n% is (n times) backspace
Variables referring to last opened image set: %LoadFolderName%, %LoadFileName%, %LoadFileExt%, %LoadBaseName%, %LoadPositionNumber%, %LoadPositionName%, %LoadPositionCount%, %LoadPlateRow%, %LoadPlateCol%, %DocumentsFolder%, %PipelinesFolder%, %MyPipelinesFolder%
%LoadBaseName% refers to the common part of filenames within all opened files, with trailing zeros removed.
%LoadFolderName% refers to the name of the folder, that contains all of the opened files, not the path.
%LoadFolder%, %DocumentsFolder%, %PipelinesFolder%, %MyPipelinesFolder% refer to full path to the given location.
When only filename is given after the = the default folder is used. Relative path (e.g. =folder\file.txt) is appended to the default path. If no filename is given for saving, the Image Window name and default extension are used. Set default folders in the File/Set Folder Locations... menu point. Importantly, if no = is used in the beginning of the filename, then the full path needs to be entered.
Characters incompatible with the Windows files system are automatically removed from the save name. Variables and commands are case sensitive.

*ΔF/F0: ΔF/F0 normalization is performed on the data (the baseline will be set to 0. Alternatively see Baseline normalization below, *Resample: resamples along the time axis to result even time points, facilitating mean calculations between different experiments. The resampling interval can be set in the Preferences Dialog/(Data/Loading/ROIs)/Resample/X data resample interval (sec).where the baseline is set to 1). F0 is calculated as the mean of first n data points, where n is set in the Preferences Dialog/Misc/Normalization: Frames to average...
*Mean of all traces: Mean values of all traces are calculated for each time point. Mean calculation happens after optional normalization and rate calculation (see below). Mean+/-Standard Error is calculated.
*Median of all traces: Median values of all traces are calculated for each time point. Overrides the "Mean of all traces" switch. Median calculation happens after optional normalization and rate calculation (see below).
*Normalization: Each trace is normalized individually according to chosen way of normalization: None, Baseline, Endpoint, Minimum, Maximum , Percents Min to Max, Percents Baseline to Endpoint.
Baseline and endpoint are calculated as the mean of first, or last n data points, where n is set in the Preferences Dialog/Misc/Normalization: Frames to average... Minimum and Maximum is the single lowest or highest value for each time lapse. The normalization is performed by dividing all data points with the respective normalization factor for each trace independently. Normalization disables ΔF/F0 calculation. The normalization is performed before mean, median or rate calculation.
*Markers for means or rates: Enter ranges, e.g. 1-3;7-9 in frame numbers to calculate mean values or rates of traces within these ranges. The mean values will be shown in the plot or exported to tables. This calculation happens after normalization, but before trace-to-trance mean or median calculation.
*Calculate rates at markers: if ranges are set at "Markers for means or rates" enabling this will return rates calculated by linear regression on the set range for each trace and range independently. Rate calculation happens after normalization, but before trace-to-trance mean or median calculation.

Parameters affecting export and saving only:
*Y-values only: The time values are omitted during tabular export (text file or Excel).

Optionally use the Excel Data Window to record output. The following parameters control the appearance of the data in the Excel Data Window:
*Place channels into columns (former MD output): Output is organized according to channel number. Multiple runs on the same stage position will overwrite output.
*Processing different stage positions results data appearing below the previously calculated data, unless "Place positions into columns" is set "Yes". Data will be organized according to the highest channel number present among the linked images.
*Plate worksheet output: Information on plate row and column numbers are included, and data are additionally organized into plate view in additional worksheets. Data are organized on separate sheets for each channel, and separate plates for each time point and ROI.
*Expect only single channel: Only one pair of column (or one column if "Y-values only" is set "Yes") is entered into the Excel Data Window, regardless of the actual channel number and the numbers of open channels. Use this for time lapse processing of large numbers of stage positions.
*New plot always entered in a new row: When "Place channels into columns" is set to yes repeated plotting in a Multi-Dimensional open position will enter data in the same row to make data from different channels appear next to each other. Set this to yes to override this behavior and force each plot command to create a new row in the Excel Data Window. Use this switch to enable to gather stage position, row and column information using the "Place channels into columns" switch while creating multiple plots of the same channel.
Histograms and counting:
Use the "Histogram: number of bins" and the "Histogram: range" parameters, or the Histogram Properties menu point of the Plot Window context menu to adjust how the histogram appears.
"Histogram: range or threshold"=All will use all data
"Histogram: range or threshold"=low-high will plot numbers or percents in the range of low to high (low inclusive, high exclusive) divide to "Histogram: number of bins" equal bins, where 100% is all the data.
"Histogram: range or threshold"=threshold will count or calculate percents above (or below depending on the value of "Histogram and counts") this threshold, where 100% is all the data. This is equivalent to a single-bin histogram.
"Histogram: range or threshold"=percentile with "Histogram and counts"=Value at Percentile will calculate a single value at the percentile given here. This value is directly calculated from the data without binning.
"Histogram: range or threshold"=low,high will count or calculate percents in the low to high range (low inclusive, high exclusive), where 100% is all the data. This is equivalent to a single-bin histogram.
Reference based counting: first use "Histograms and counting"="Store reference value at percentile". This will associate the channel number of the image with the plotted value. This reference value will be live until the program is closed. The current plot and image windows can be closed. Then use the "Histograms and counting"=Count or Percent above/below reference modes to count objects or ROIs based on this stored reference value in other Image Windows with the same channel number. For 2-operand plots both channel numbers must match.

Mathematica usage: