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Methods of background subtraction, normalization, optical density

An extensive set of tools supports accurate background subtraction in single frame and time-lapse images, including handling of non-uniform background in space and time, supporting full automation, low light level imaging and removal of tiling pattern.

The background of fluorescence image comprises of:

  • Detector offset (this is a fixed value, but depends on the settings of the CCD camera or PMT of the confocal microscope).
  • Scattered light from the optics hitting the sensor
  • Medium around the specimen and out of focus parts of the specimen
  • Background light in the room, computer displays

For low light level imaging: floating point arithmetic and histogram interpolation ensures that no bit noise is introduced by background subtraction, even if pixel intensities are in the single digit range.

Example for non-uniform background:

Non-uniform background because of fluorescence of the medium Non-uniform background removed by high pass filtering


To subtract background use the Filters/functionSubtract Background or the Background Subtraction, Normalization, OD dialog. Many of the built in pipelines provides one or more pre-configured background subtraction steps.

The background level can be uniform in space, but scattered light from the medium or from the specimen is typically inhomogeneous.
Handling non-uniform background in space:

  • Record and subtract background image in the absence of the specimen, and subtract Image or Reference Image as background.
  • Create a background image without recording a cell-free area in multiwell plate or multi stage position recordings by minimum or median projection.
  • Use local background subtraction techniques (see also protocol).

The background is often non uniform in time, like fluorescence of the medium can change during drug additions, or the background light as people move in the room.
Handling non-uniform background in time:

  • Use background subtraction as ROI average by frames (if a larger ROI can be selected over the background)
  • Use background subtraction as Percentile by frames (this is the most convenient option as long as the amount of details (bright pixels) compared to the background does not change drastically during the experiment. E.g. if the fluorescent signal vanishes during the experiment, use ROI average by frames and not Percentile).
  • The most advanced way of fully automatic background subtraction is using the Mean of pixels below percentile of max projection algorithm, that selects those areas of the image as background that are the darkest for the entire recording.

The Filters/functionSubtract Background and the Background Subtraction, Normalization, OD dialog also provides functionality for temporal and spatial normalization, and for optical density calculation in brightfield images.

Performing background subtraction

  • Invoke the Subtract background dialog in the main menu/Tools or in the toolbar: background subtraction or background subtraction
  • Use the Filters/functionSubtract Background which is identical in operation to the Subtract background dialog.
  • To use reference images, mark a single frame background image as reference image by right-clicking the Image Window/Set Reference Image/Background. Reference images are matched by channel number. See or change channel numbers using the Edit/Rename dialog. Optionally use the IO/functionSet Reference Image and IO/functionRename functions.
  • Alternatively, an arbitrary single image can be subtracted from image sequences (if x and y dimensions match) using the Math/functionImage Arithmetic Single Frame. For this function images does not have to be linked.

The Background Subtraction, Normalization, OD dialog

Select the method of background calculation right left

Set the value corresponding to the method:

  • Value (pixel intensity)
  • ROI number (as appears in the Image Window)
  • Percentile (in %)

When pressing background subtraction this value is automatically filled with the number of the currently active ROI

If a background or blank image is required enter file name, stage position (for multi-dimensional image sets) and frame number. right
Select Always select all instead of always clicking all....

Methods of background subtraction, normalization or optical density calculation

  • Value: The entered value is subtracted from each frame
  • Image: Subtracts reference image. Matches channels when using multichannel images including Metafluor *.inf data sets, RGB images and multidimensional data sets. See also reference images below.
  • ROI average by frames: (set ROI number) The ROI average (excluding masked areas) is calculated and subtracted from each frame.
  • ROI average by series:  (set ROI number) The ROI average (excluding masked areas) is calculated for the complete time lapse and the same value is subtracted from each frame.
  • Percentile by frames: (in percents 0-100%) The percentile of the image histogram is calculated and subtracted from each frame. Typically use 5-10 percents. Don't use this method if the fluorescent signal vanishes during the experiment, and use the Mean of pixels below percentile of max projection instead. Percentiles are calculated with histogram interpolation therefore no bit noise is introduced.
  • Percentile by series: (in percents 0-100%) The percentile of the histogram of the complete time lapse is calculated and the same value is subtracted from each frame. Typically use 5-10 percents.
  • Percentile by frames ADAPTIVE: (in percents 0-100%) locally adaptive technique that tries to remove calculated background, but keeps darker areas above zero by decreasing locally subtracted background. Use high >90 percentile values for aggressive background removal. Don't use this method if the fluorescent signal vanishes during the experiment. Note: experimental algorithm, it didn't prove to be useful.
  • Percentile by series ADAPTIVE: (in percents 0-100%) locally adaptive technique that tries to remove calculated background, but keeps darker areas above zero by decreasing locally subtracted background. Use high >90 percentile values for aggressive background removal. Note: experimental algorithm, it didn't prove to be useful.
  • Normalization by Image: The Background image (specified by its filename, stage and frame number) is subtracted both from the current image, and from the Shading/Blank image, then each frame of the current image series is divided by the Shading/Blank image image. The Background image should be recorded in the absence of illumination (dark current) and the Shading/Blank image is an evenly illuminated homogeneous field. If no Background image is entered then the Value parameter of the dialog is subtracted instead.
  • Optical Density by Images: Similar to the Normalization above, but the log((blank - background)/(current image - background)) is calculated to reflect optical density values in brightfield images. Use a dark current image (illumination blocked) as Background image and and an empty filed as Shading/Blank image.
  • Normalization by ROI: normalizes to the temporal changes of the mean of the selected ROI
  • Refernece Image: Any open Image Window can be set as reference image, by right-click (context menu) Set as Reference Image/Background.  Reference images are not closed by Close All commands. The background subtraction dialog will look for the first matching (in dimensions and in channel number) reference image. The first frame of the reference image is subtract from each frame of the selected image. Use the Rename function to set the channel number if required. Note: Create a background image without recording a cell-free area in multiwell plate or multi stage position recordings by minimum or median projection.
  • Normalization by Reference Image: The background reference image (see above Reference Image) is subtracted both from the current image, and from the Blank reference image (the reference image is not modified), then each frame of the current image series is divided by the Blank reference image. The Background reference image should be recorded in the absence of illumination (dark current) and the Blank reference is an evenly illuminated image. If no Background reference image is found then the Value parameter of the dialog is subtracted.
  • Optical Density by Reference Images: Similar to the Normalization above, but the log((blank - background)/(current image - background)) is calculated to reflect optical density values in brightfield images. Use a dark current image (illumination blocked) as Background reference image and and an empty filed as Blank reference image.
  • Mean of pixels below percentile of max projection: This is most advanced and robust approach, that is applicable unsupervised. Working on a copy of the image sequence, a binary mask is calculated from the maximum intensity projection, according the the set percentile value. Then from each frame the mean intensity corresponding to the pixels of this mask is subtracted. Thus any moving objects will be avoided, and only those pixels are used for background subtraction that remained at background level for the entire recording. This approach correctly calculates background when fluorescence completely disappears during recording. Note: the algorithm may be fouled by image registration algorithms only in very noisy recordings. In this case use the "(dilated mask)" version that avoids this.
  • Median of pixels below percentile of max projection: Similar to the above, but median is calculated.
  • Mean of pixels below percentile of max projection (dilated mask): Similar as above, but the mask is dilated by 5 pixels, so it becomes insensitive to noise smoothing caused by interpolation during image registration.
  • Mean of pixels below percentile of max projection (dilated mask): Similar as above, but the mask is dilated by 5 pixels, so it becomes insensitive to noise smoothing caused by interpolation during image registration.

Histogram and percentile calculation

Image Analyst MKII does not show histograms, but performs calculation with histograms for scaling of Image Windows, background subtraction and threshold calculation.

Set the histogram bins size (between 256 and 65536) in the Preferences dialog Misc tab. Larger bin size results slower scaling/updating of images but more accurate percentile calculation. Given that the dynamic range of fluorescence microscopy detectors is rarely above couple of thousand gray value units a bins size of  4096 is more than enough.

To prevent introducing bit noise at low light level imaging, the percentile calculation is interpolated between the bins of the histogram. Therefore percentile values are always fractional, even if an image contains only integer values. Because Image Analyst MKII uses floating point pixel values, these fractional percentiles will be correctly subtracted.
To enable/disable interpolation use the Preferences dialog Misc tab.

Example for ROI and percentile background subtraction


Low light level imaging example
Red trace & ROI: single cell fluorescence
Green trace & ROI: a large background region selected

  • A: signal burdened by background
  • B: Background subtracted as ROI average by frames
  • C: Background subtracted at 5 Percentile by frames with histogram interpolation off
  • D: Background subtracted at 5 Percentile by frames with histogram interpolation on

Local background subtraction

Ways of eliminating non-uniform background:
  • Subtraction of image background (see above)
    • con: requires background image
  • High pass filtering
    • pro: fast and tunable, supports tiled imaging
    • con: works well only if there is a lot of background and there are no very bright spots on the images
  • Rolling ball style background subtraction by subtraction of median-filtered copy of the image
    • pro: robust, more precise for intensity measurements than the average-based rolling ball background subtraction.
    • con: slower than high pass filtering, but runs at a reasonable speed on multi-core CPUs.

High pass filtering

Perform high pass filtering using built-in pipelines by entering typical object size. High pass filtering is independently applied to each frame and removes both spatial and temporal inhomogeneities of the background. If the cuton frequency is high, turn absolute value calculation on. Additional percentile based background subtraction may be needed for noisy images.

Tune a Filters/F2D DFT Butterworth BP filter  using the Main menu/Tools/Setup DFT Filter DialogSetup DFT Filter and Filter Optimizations dialog. See the protocol for this.

Median Subtraction

Perform median background subtraction using built-in pipeline. Median subtraction is independently applied to each frame and removes both spatial and temporal inhomogeneities of the background. This approach is more precise for intensity measurements than the average-based rolling ball background subtraction, that is more likely to overestimate background and bias the intensity readout.

Removal of tiling pattern in background

Use image background subtraction:

  • Record and subtract background image in the absence of the specimen, and subtract Image or Reference Image as background using the Filters/functionSubtract Background and the background subtractionBackground Subtraction, Normalization, OD dialog.
  • Create a background image without recording a cell-free area in multiwell plate or multi stage position recordings by minimum or median projection.

Use tiled high pass filtering, that independently filters each frame of the tiled pattern. Note: this is efficient if tiling is performed without overlaps :

Updated on 9/18/2015