Intensity Gating
Intensity gating or
Intensity Modulated Display (IMD) is a special Look Up Table (LUT),
which is used for visualization of ratios (or other derived
parameters) only where significant intensity, thus information is in
the original image (from which the ratio or derived parameter was
calculated). Therefore the pixel values determine the hue (the
color), and the attached IMD intensity image determines the
brightness of the pixel. The attached image is typically the one
before ratio calculation, but the function allows to use any other
images, so images can be filtered, denoised, high pass filtered
before attachment as IMD intensity. The attached image has to be
use a grayscale LUT. Intensity Modulated Display is a a LUT
operation, so the image data is not affected, only the
Synchronized: the same frame of the time lapse used.
Frozen: the frame used as intensity image
Show non linked: all open images with same x,y dimensions
are listed, but non-linked images can be attached only as frozen,
because their frame number is not necessarily identical.
Attach Overlay Image:
RGB overlay of selected images; the image data is not affected, only
the visualization.
Synchronized: the same frame of the time lapse used.
Frozen: the frame used as intensity image
Show non linked: all open images with same x,y dimensions
are listed, but non-linked images can be attached only as frozen,
because their frame number is not necessarily identical.
Attach Overlay Text:
Image annotation tool to show scale bar, frame number and time point
in the image.
See also:
These functionality of these dialogs are also available as
Intensity Gating
Attach Overlay Image
Attach Overlay Text
Overlay and annotation are exported or copied to the clipboard with
RGB images, but it does not affect image data. It does not affect
image data even when using the
Write Back Scaled Values