This protocol describes how to conduct a reactive oxygen species (ROS) measurement in adherent cells using fluorescence microscopy of DHE (dihydroethidium or hydroethidine) and image analysis in Image Analyst MKII. ROS levels are expressed as the rate of DHE oxidation in %/sec normalized to the unoxidized probe. The protocol is applicable to fluorescence microscopes capable of low-light level, time-lapse imaging. The normalization cancels the effects of differing cell size, density, geometry and intracellular probe accumulation, that are otherwise a major confounding factors of the DHE assay. Microscope settings for recording the superoxide-specific OH-ethidium fluorescence is given below. Disclaimer: we think that this approach is the available most precise one for fluorescence detection of DHE oxidation, but even with using the superoxide-specific fluorescence excitation peak of OH-ethidium, and using the described normalization, the technique is not quantitative for superoxide, because of the complexity of the redox chemistry of DHE (see Zielonka and Kalyanaraman 2010, PMID: 20116425 ).
Image Analyst MKII supports this assay with background subtraction algorithms for low light level imaging, image registration, background masking, ROI graphing and rate calculations. These functionalities are integrated into a single, click-and-run pipeline specialized for this assay.
Microscopy requirement:
The assay works with wide-field (epifluorescence), confocal and two-photon microscopy. The epifluorescence microscope has to be capable of low-light level time lapse imaging, e.g. equipped with a fast shutter and a sensitive monochromatic camera. Confocal and two-photon microscopes trivially work in low-light level mode. The image acquisition software must record accurate time stamps for optional rate calculation as 1/s. The assay protocol is given assuming that wide field microscopy and assay automation is used to capture multiple conditions in the same time.
Wide-field microscopy:
Filter set: (notably, emission peaks are broad and other similar filters may work as well)
Filter | Spectrum (center/bandwidth nm) | Supplier & Cat. # | Note |
DHE and OH-ethidium exciter | 390/40 | Semrock FF01-500/24-25 | individual stock filter |
dichroic | 409 (or a bit higher) | Semrock FF409-Di03-25x36 | standard Fura2 cube component |
DHE (unoxidized) emitter | 460/80 | Semrock FF02-460/80 -25 | individual stock filter |
OH-ethidium emitter | 617/73 | Semrock FF02-617/73 -25 | individual stock filter |
Confocal microscopy:
Two-photon microscopy:
Reagent | Stock Concentration | Solvent | Storage | Supplier & Cat. # | Notes |
Glucose | 1 M | H2O | RT | Sigma | sterile filter |
DHE | 2-10 mM | DMSO | -20C | Life technologies, | store in anoxic bag with O2 absorber |
Zosuquidar | 25 mM | DMSO | -20C | MedKoo or Sigma | |
IM (imaging medium) | see composition below | H2O | RT or 4C | sterile filter |
Imaging medium (IM):
Substance | mM |
NaCl | 120 |
KCl | 3.5 |
CaCl2 | 1.8 |
MgCl2 | 1 |
KH2PO4 | 0.4 |
TES | 20 |
NaHCO3 | 5 |
Na2SO4 | 1.2 |
Note: Set pH to 7.4 using NaOH at 37ºC . Store medium aliquoted
in 50ml conicals at RT.
Assay protocol (given for LabTek 8-well chamber)
Handling and loading of cell cultures with DHE
Culture cells on optical quality plastic bottom or glass bottom plates with equal density when several cell lines are compared. For robustness cells are recommended at 90% confluence on the plates, attached firmly and flattened down. Cell loss is expected due to washes therefore low cell density is not recommended. A confluent culture will prevent accurate background subtraction during data analysis.
In a conical warm up sufficient amount of IM (e.g. 20ml for an experiment in a LabTek 8-well chambered coverglass)
Supplement the IM with and sterile filter:
zosuquidar 1 µM (optional)
BSA 0.4% (can be used with this assay, optionally)
glucose 0 to 25mM depending on the experiment - by default match the composition of the culturing media
Note: Zosuquidar is a multi drug resistance protein (MDR) inhibitor and it may be used for comparison of specimens with different probe accumulation due to pumping or to improve DHE accumulation and increase signal to noise ratio. Note: that sterile filtering is to remove debris from the medium that may interfere with fluorescence imaging.
Add 2 µM DHE to 4 ml of supplemented IM (immediately before steps 5 and 6)
Wash cell once with supplemented IM
Add the DHE containing, supplemented IM to the wells (400ul/well for LabTek 8-well chamber) and incubate cultures for 30 minutes at 37ºC (non-CO2 incubator).
Incubate cultures at 37ºC for 15 min and start imaging in the presence of DHE.
Channel setup
DHE OH-ethidium 390nm->617nm
DHE not-yet-oxidized 390nm->460nm
Set illumination intensity to see a very grainy, low light level image of the cells, barely distinguishable from the background. Use the 460nm emission to set up view field to stay unbiased for ROS production (the 460nm emission is independent of ROS levels). Use high binning or low scan resolution if possible.
Record a time lapse for 20 min with 2 min frame intervals.
Alternatively perform treatment and record a new segment of 20min image acquisition.
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DHE blue fluorescence in primary pancreatic β-cells | OH-ethidium fluorescence in primary pancreatic β-cells | OH-ethidium fluorescence in primary pancreatic β-cells, masked as the result of the pipeline execution |
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DHE blue fluorescence intensity graph. The mean of the gray range is calculated | OH-ethidium fluorescence intensity graph. | OH-ethidium rate graph. |
Image analysis in Image Analyst MKII
Download tutorial image data set from the Tutorials page.
Open the recording ().
Activate the "DHE rate of ethidium formation normalized to dihydroethidium" pipeline in the Pipelines/Intensity Measurements/Applications main menu point. Note: this pipeline calculates the rate of increase in OH-ethidium fluorescence intensity (output channel 1) and intensities of the DHE not-yet-oxidized blue fluorescence channel (output channel 2). The image series is registered, background is subtracted, and cell-free areas, determined in a maximum intensity projection image are masked. The output is based on the mean fluorescence intensity of all cells in the view field.
Adjust the pipeline parameters:
Channel for...: Make sure that channel numbers listed here match the actual recording
Background Level (percentile): Use a smaller background level (10-30 percentile) for confluent cultures and ~50 percentile for sparse cultures. Percentiles below 5-10 may increase noise.
Mask sensitivity (0.2-1.5): This sets the amount of background masking. At higher values only the brighter parts of the cells are measured, and more background is omitted from the mean fluorescence intensity.
Range for rate measurement: [important] Set the frame range where to measure rates and intensities, ideally from 1 to the last frame (e.g. 1-10).
Load the images and run the pipeline by pressing
Note: optionally choose to process the the whole multi-position
recording. Note: see a typical
result above (right panel).
In the Excel Data Window:
For each position calculate the ratio of Ch1_ROI1 (OH-ethidium rate) and Ch2_ROI1 (DHE blue fluorescence intensity) in an empty column
Save results in the Excel Data Window using the File/Save Excel Data Window main menu point.
Protocol by Irina Perevoshchikova and Akos A. Gerencser