Image processing pipelines in Image Analyst MKII
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Show color composite image

Name # Type Description
Channel #1 Color (Look Up Table) 1 string Look Up Table: "Grayscale", "Red", "Green", "Blue", "Pseudocolor", "Intensity Gated Pseudocolor", "Fire", "ROI color", "Off"
Channel #2 Color (Look Up Table) 2 string Look Up Table: "Grayscale", "Red", "Green", "Blue", "Pseudocolor", "Intensity Gated Pseudocolor", "Fire", "ROI color", "Off"
Channel #3 Color (Look Up Table) 3 string Look Up Table: "Grayscale", "Red", "Green", "Blue", "Pseudocolor", "Intensity Gated Pseudocolor", "Fire", "ROI color", "Off"
Channel #4 Color (Look Up Table) 4 string Look Up Table: "Grayscale", "Red", "Green", "Blue", "Pseudocolor", "Intensity Gated Pseudocolor", "Fire", "ROI color", "Off"
Show only composite image (minimize others) 5 boolean Yes executes output #1, No executes output #2.
Image intesity scaling 6 string The Nth output will be executed when the Nth value is selected here from a ;-separated list given below at "Possible selector values".
Scaling, Min percentile 7 real This percentile of the image histogram sets the intensity value where the minimum of the Look Up Table (LUT) is scaled. Use -1 to override this with fixed value set below at "Min value".
Scaling, Max percentile 8 real This percentile of the image histogram sets the intensity value where the maximum of the Look Up Table (LUT) is scaled. Use -1 to override this with fixed value set below at "Max value".
Show time stamp 9 boolean Turns on time stamps (set font in the Preferences Dialog/Misc tab).
Time stamp format 10 string Time will appear like this: "0 s", "0.0 s", "0.00 s", "0.000 s", "0000 ms", "00'00"", "00'00"00", "00h00min"
Show scale bar 11 boolean Turns on scale bar.
Scale bar unit 12 string Available units: "nm", "µm", "mm", "cm", "m".
Scale bar size 13 real Length of the scale bar in the units given above.
This pipeline scales the image with the Look Up Table (LUT) of choice, applies time stamp and scale bar. Set time stamp font in the Preferences Dialog/Misc tab

Version history
Scale bar added. Handling of variable numbers of channels.
Option added to choose fixed full scale with automatic detection of 8 or 16-bit images or percentile scaling.